April 10, 2012

What Is The difference between G And N Wireless Routers?

In today's high-tech world more and more habitancy are turning to wireless devices to connect to networks and the Internet. This narrative will show what is the contrast between G and N wireless routers.

Anytime you are in a hotel, visit most coffee shops, and a library or airport, you may not comprehend that you are probably in a wireless network. Wireless networking which is also called wi-fi and 802.11 is being used millions of times a day and allows habitancy to connect separate computers in their home. Many major cities these days also use it so that citizens can connect to the Internet for free, or at a very low cost.

There are many advantages to having a wireless network, they are very easy to get set up and are low cost. Most new laptops built today will have a built in wireless transmitter, for those that don't you can plainly purchase a wireless adapter. If you are going to build a network at home in order to connect more than one device, you will need to buy a router as well.

There are several networking standards for routers to move data back and forth from the router to your computer. One of the older and slowest is the 802.11b protocol and as it is very inexpensive, for a long time was quite popular. However, because of the slow speeds it has come to be much less common and will soon be obsolete.

802.11G is a much faster standard which can cope data of up to 54Mbs and transmits up to 2.4 Ghz, and although it is commonly used today it is not the most recent or most recent protocol. This would be 802.11N which has come to be widely available and it offers super fast speeds, much greater range, in fact it has been reported that it can reach as far as 700 feet or more. The N routers also have twin antennas which would you a far-reaching dual signal.

Another good feature is that it does have compatibility with older devices such as those with B and G, this means that if you have a newer N router you can precisely hook up to any network card. With the blazing fast speeds, the backwards compatibility and the advantage of extended range, it precisely does make sense to purchase the N router therefore assuring yourself of having the most recent technology.

What Is The difference between G And N Wireless Routers?

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